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Music Video


A moodboard is an arrangement of images, materials, pieces of text, etc. intended to evoke or project a particular style or concept. My music video moodboard is an arrangement of images intended to evoke and project our concepts of our chosen song – Israel (Sparring). A few key images I’ve included are: a boxing gym; a café; a park; a living room; a recording studio; and a busy, populated location (i.e. Piccadilly Circus). The boxing gym is one of the first ideas drafted for our music video, as the recurring line in the song is “sparring is training” – this gave us the idea of boxing. The café is another location in which we intend to film our female artist as she is “working” there; ties in with the lyric “you still a waiter”. We included a living room as the home and/or meeting point of our artist/s. We want to have a shot of our male artist coming in to watch cartoons, and some other shots of both artists on the couch discussing the song they’re making together. Scenes in a park would help add to scenery and atmosphere. The recording studio is where they would record their music. And the busy location/s also add to scenery, but also to show contrast between the artists and everyone else.

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