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What is Narrative?

Narrative is how a story is told. A chain of events in a cause and effect relationship in time and space. It consists of everything visibly and audibly present in the text — what the reader observes, and all the events that take place; both explicit and implicit — what the reader understands.

Tzetvan Todorov

He reduced narrative to a simple recurring formula.
"All stories start in a state of equilibrium, which is then disrupted, setting in a motion a chain of events. 
The resolution of the story is the creation of a new/different equilibrium."

Equilibrium â€” everything is peaceful
Disruption â€” something happens that disrupts the peace
Recognition of disruption â€” heroes work out what needs to be done
Repairing of damage â€” heroes overcome obstacles​

Andrew Goodwin

Relationship between music and visuals — cuts and edits of the video are in sync with the rhythm and beat of the song, matching cuts or effects to specific drum beats or notes


Relationship between lyrics and visuals â€” themes, mise-en-scene and events of the video match with lyrics of the song, to help to portray the message of the song


Music video genre characteristics â€” certain features are expected out of a video depending on the genre of the music. For example, a girl band/artist music video is expected to have dancers and close ups of the singers, whilst a Rock band is expected to have performance shots of the band and cut to the beat


​Shots of main artist(s) â€” allows the record label to promote a set image for the artist/band, which will help target audiences empathise with the artist/band


Intertextual references â€” music videos reference other forms of media, most commonly film, but can also be television, Pop Culture, Literary, and other music videos


Voyeurism â€” the 'male gaze' is often used to attract a male audience. The male gaze is a focus on presenting things that appeal to men, this often means a voyeuristic view (and objectification) of women. The emphasis on looking also includes the artist looking directly into the camera helping the audience connect with the artist

Applying to Music Video

Andrew Goodwin's music video theory can be applied to my music video. For my video I will include cuts and editing that are in sync with the rhythm of the song, and also implement visuals that relate to the lyrics of the song. A good example of both is having one of my actors play a role as a waiter at a cafe or restaurant, relating to the lyric "you still a waiter". Relating to music, I will have my actor walk over to some customers and serve them their drinks, this will then be edited in slow motion and cut to show her walking on beat, and jumpcutting from one spot to another in the time of the rhythm. I will also include many shots of the main artists, to portray them as significant within the narrative. Intertextual references may be included, seen through television shows. Voyeurism and genre characteristics will be kept to a minimum, if any at all.

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